1 // Written in the D programming language.
3 /**
4 JavaScript Object Notation
6 Copyright: Copyright Jeremie Pelletier 2008 - 2009.
7 License:   $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
8 Authors:   Jeremie Pelletier, David Herberth
9 References: $(LINK http://json.org/), $(LINK http://seriot.ch/parsing_json.html)
10 Source:    $(PHOBOSSRC std/json.d)
11 */
12 /*
13          Copyright Jeremie Pelletier 2008 - 2009.
14 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
15    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
16          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
17 */
18 module structjson;
20 import std.array;
21 import std.conv;
22 import std.range.primitives;
23 import std.traits;
25 ///
26 @system unittest
27 {
28     import std.conv : to;
30     // parse a file or string of json into a usable structure
31     string s = `{ "language": "D", "rating": 3.5, "code": "42" }`;
32     JSONValue j = parseJSON(s);
33     // j and j["language"] return JSONValue,
34     // j["language"].str returns a string
35     assert(j["language"].str == "D");
36     assert(j["rating"].floating == 3.5);
38     // check a type
39     long x;
40     if (const(JSONValue)* code = "code" in j)
41     {
42         if (code.type() == JSONType.integer)
43             x = code.integer;
44         else
45             x = to!int(code.str);
46     }
48     // create a json struct
49     JSONValue jj = [ "language": "D" ];
50     // rating doesnt exist yet, so use .object to assign
51     jj.object["rating"] = JSONValue(3.5);
52     // create an array to assign to list
53     jj.object["list"] = JSONValue( ["a", "b", "c"] );
54     // list already exists, so .object optional
55     jj["list"].array ~= JSONValue("D");
57     string jjStr = `{"language":"D","list":["a","b","c","D"],"rating":3.5}`;
58     assert(jj.toString == jjStr);
59 }
61 /**
62 String literals used to represent special float values within JSON strings.
63 */
64 enum JSONFloatLiteral : string
65 {
66     nan         = "NaN",       /// string representation of floating-point NaN
67     inf         = "Infinite",  /// string representation of floating-point Infinity
68     negativeInf = "-Infinite", /// string representation of floating-point negative Infinity
69 }
71 /**
72 Flags that control how json is encoded and parsed.
73 */
74 enum JSONOptions
75 {
76     none,                       /// standard parsing
77     specialFloatLiterals = 0x1, /// encode NaN and Inf float values as strings
78     escapeNonAsciiChars = 0x2,  /// encode non ascii characters with an unicode escape sequence
79     doNotEscapeSlashes = 0x4,   /// do not escape slashes ('/')
80     strictParsing = 0x8,        /// Strictly follow RFC-8259 grammar when parsing
81 }
83 /**
84 JSON type enumeration
85 */
86 enum JSONType : byte
87 {
88     /// Indicates the type of a `JSONValue`.
89     null_,
90     string,   /// ditto
91     integer,  /// ditto
92     uinteger, /// ditto
93     float_,   /// ditto
94     array,    /// ditto
95     object,   /// ditto
96     true_,    /// ditto
97     false_,   /// ditto
98     // FIXME: Find some way to deprecate the enum members below, which does NOT
99     // create lots of spam-like deprecation warnings, which can't be fixed
100     // by the user. See discussion on this issue at
101     // https://forum.dlang.org/post/feudrhtxkaxxscwhhhff@forum.dlang.org
102     /* deprecated("Use .null_")    */ NULL = null_,
103     /* deprecated("Use .string")   */ STRING = string,
104     /* deprecated("Use .integer")  */ INTEGER = integer,
105     /* deprecated("Use .uinteger") */ UINTEGER = uinteger,
106     /* deprecated("Use .float_")   */ FLOAT = float_,
107     /* deprecated("Use .array")    */ ARRAY = array,
108     /* deprecated("Use .object")   */ OBJECT = object,
109     /* deprecated("Use .true_")    */ TRUE = true_,
110     /* deprecated("Use .false_")   */ FALSE = false_,
111 }
113 deprecated("Use JSONType and the new enum member names") alias JSON_TYPE = JSONType;
115 /**
116 JSON value node
117 */
118 struct JSONValue
119 {
120     import std.exception : enforce;
122     struct Store
123     {
124         string                          str;
125         long                            integer;
126         ulong                           uinteger;
127         double                          floating;
128         JSONValue[string]               object;
129         JSONValue[]                     array;
130     }
131     private Store store;
132     private JSONType type_tag;
134     /**
135       Returns the JSONType of the value stored in this structure.
136     */
137     @property JSONType type() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc
138     {
139         return type_tag;
140     }
141     ///
142     @safe unittest
143     {
144           string s = "{ \"language\": \"D\" }";
145           JSONValue j = parseJSON(s);
146           assert(j.type == JSONType.object);
147           assert(j["language"].type == JSONType..string);
148     }
150     /***
151      * Value getter/setter for `JSONType.string`.
152      * Throws: `JSONException` for read access if `type` is not
153      * `JSONType.string`.
154      */
155     @property string str() const pure @trusted return scope
156     {
157         enforce!JSONException(type == JSONType..string,
158                                 "JSONValue is not a string");
159         return store.str;
160     }
161     /// ditto
162     @property string str(return string v) pure nothrow @nogc @trusted return // TODO make @safe
163     {
164         assign(v);
165         return v;
166     }
167     ///
168     @safe unittest
169     {
170         JSONValue j = [ "language": "D" ];
172         // get value
173         assert(j["language"].str == "D");
175         // change existing key to new string
176         j["language"].str = "Perl";
177         assert(j["language"].str == "Perl");
178     }
180     /***
181      * Value getter/setter for `JSONType.integer`.
182      * Throws: `JSONException` for read access if `type` is not
183      * `JSONType.integer`.
184      */
185     @property long integer() const pure @safe
186     {
187         enforce!JSONException(type == JSONType.integer,
188                                 "JSONValue is not an integer");
189         return store.integer;
190     }
191     /// ditto
192     @property long integer(long v) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
193     {
194         assign(v);
195         return store.integer;
196     }
198     /***
199      * Value getter/setter for `JSONType.uinteger`.
200      * Throws: `JSONException` for read access if `type` is not
201      * `JSONType.uinteger`.
202      */
203     @property ulong uinteger() const pure @safe
204     {
205         enforce!JSONException(type == JSONType.uinteger,
206                                 "JSONValue is not an unsigned integer");
207         return store.uinteger;
208     }
209     /// ditto
210     @property ulong uinteger(ulong v) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
211     {
212         assign(v);
213         return store.uinteger;
214     }
216     /***
217      * Value getter/setter for `JSONType.float_`. Note that despite
218      * the name, this is a $(B 64)-bit `double`, not a 32-bit `float`.
219      * Throws: `JSONException` for read access if `type` is not
220      * `JSONType.float_`.
221      */
222     @property double floating() const pure @safe
223     {
224         enforce!JSONException(type == JSONType.float_,
225                                 "JSONValue is not a floating type");
226         return store.floating;
227     }
228     /// ditto
229     @property double floating(double v) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
230     {
231         assign(v);
232         return store.floating;
233     }
235     /***
236      * Value getter/setter for boolean stored in JSON.
237      * Throws: `JSONException` for read access if `this.type` is not
238      * `JSONType.true_` or `JSONType.false_`.
239      */
240     @property bool boolean() const pure @safe
241     {
242         if (type == JSONType.true_) return true;
243         if (type == JSONType.false_) return false;
245         throw new JSONException("JSONValue is not a boolean type");
246     }
247     /// ditto
248     @property bool boolean(bool v) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
249     {
250         assign(v);
251         return v;
252     }
253     ///
254     @safe unittest
255     {
256         JSONValue j = true;
257         assert(j.boolean == true);
259         j.boolean = false;
260         assert(j.boolean == false);
262         j.integer = 12;
263         import std.exception : assertThrown;
264         assertThrown!JSONException(j.boolean);
265     }
267     /***
268      * Value getter/setter for `JSONType.object`.
269      * Throws: `JSONException` for read access if `type` is not
270      * `JSONType.object`.
271      * Note: this is @system because of the following pattern:
272        ---
273        auto a = &(json.object());
274        json.uinteger = 0;        // overwrite AA pointer
275        (*a)["hello"] = "world";  // segmentation fault
276        ---
277      */
278     @property ref inout(JSONValue[string]) object() inout pure @system return
279     {
280         enforce!JSONException(type == JSONType.object,
281                                 "JSONValue is not an object");
282         return store.object;
283     }
284     /// ditto
285     @property JSONValue[string] object(return JSONValue[string] v) pure nothrow @nogc @trusted // TODO make @safe
286     {
287         assign(v);
288         return v;
289     }
291     /***
292      * Value getter for `JSONType.object`.
293      * Unlike `object`, this retrieves the object by value and can be used in @safe code.
294      *
295      * A caveat is that, if the returned value is null, modifications will not be visible:
296      * ---
297      * JSONValue json;
298      * json.object = null;
299      * json.objectNoRef["hello"] = JSONValue("world");
300      * assert("hello" !in json.object);
301      * ---
302      *
303      * Throws: `JSONException` for read access if `type` is not
304      * `JSONType.object`.
305      */
306     @property inout(JSONValue[string]) objectNoRef() inout pure @trusted
307     {
308         enforce!JSONException(type == JSONType.object,
309                                 "JSONValue is not an object");
310         return store.object;
311     }
313     /***
314      * Value getter/setter for `JSONType.array`.
315      * Throws: `JSONException` for read access if `type` is not
316      * `JSONType.array`.
317      * Note: this is @system because of the following pattern:
318        ---
319        auto a = &(json.array());
320        json.uinteger = 0;  // overwrite array pointer
321        (*a)[0] = "world";  // segmentation fault
322        ---
323      */
324     @property ref inout(JSONValue[]) array() inout pure @system
325     {
326         enforce!JSONException(type == JSONType.array,
327                                 "JSONValue is not an array");
328         return store.array;
329     }
330     /// ditto
331     @property JSONValue[] array(return JSONValue[] v) pure nothrow @nogc @trusted scope // TODO make @safe
332     {
333         assign(v);
334         return v;
335     }
337     /***
338      * Value getter for `JSONType.array`.
339      * Unlike `array`, this retrieves the array by value and can be used in @safe code.
340      *
341      * A caveat is that, if you append to the returned array, the new values aren't visible in the
342      * JSONValue:
343      * ---
344      * JSONValue json;
345      * json.array = [JSONValue("hello")];
346      * json.arrayNoRef ~= JSONValue("world");
347      * assert(json.array.length == 1);
348      * ---
349      *
350      * Throws: `JSONException` for read access if `type` is not
351      * `JSONType.array`.
352      */
353     @property inout(JSONValue[]) arrayNoRef() inout pure @trusted
354     {
355         enforce!JSONException(type == JSONType.array,
356                                 "JSONValue is not an array");
357         return store.array;
358     }
360     /// Test whether the type is `JSONType.null_`
361     @property bool isNull() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc
362     {
363         return type == JSONType.null_;
364     }
366     /***
367      * Generic type value getter
368      * A convenience getter that returns this `JSONValue` as the specified D type.
369      * Note: only numeric, `bool`, `string`, `JSONValue[string]` and `JSONValue[]` types are accepted
370      * Throws: `JSONException` if `T` cannot hold the contents of this `JSONValue`
371      *         `ConvException` in case of integer overflow when converting to `T`
372      */
373     @property inout(T) get(T)() inout const pure @safe
374     {
375         static if (is(immutable T == immutable string))
376         {
377             return str;
378         }
379         else static if (is(immutable T == immutable bool))
380         {
381             return boolean;
382         }
383         else static if (isFloatingPoint!T)
384         {
385             switch (type)
386             {
387             case JSONType.float_:
388                 return cast(T) floating;
389             case JSONType.uinteger:
390                 return cast(T) uinteger;
391             case JSONType.integer:
392                 return cast(T) integer;
393             default:
394                 throw new JSONException("JSONValue is not a number type");
395             }
396         }
397         else static if (isIntegral!T)
398         {
399             switch (type)
400             {
401             case JSONType.uinteger:
402                 return uinteger.to!T;
403             case JSONType.integer:
404                 return integer.to!T;
405             default:
406                 throw new JSONException("JSONValue is not a an integral type");
407             }
408         }
409         else
410         {
411             static assert(false, "Unsupported type");
412         }
413     }
414     // This specialization is needed because arrayNoRef requires inout
415     @property inout(T) get(T : JSONValue[])() inout pure @trusted /// ditto
416     {
417         return arrayNoRef;
418     }
419     /// ditto
420     @property inout(T) get(T : JSONValue[string])() inout pure @trusted
421     {
422         return object;
423     }
424     ///
425     @safe unittest
426     {
427         import std.exception;
428         import std.conv;
429         string s =
430         `{
431             "a": 123,
432             "b": 3.1415,
433             "c": "text",
434             "d": true,
435             "e": [1, 2, 3],
436             "f": { "a": 1 },
437             "g": -45,
438             "h": ` ~ ulong.max.to!string ~ `,
439          }`;
441         struct a { }
443         immutable json = parseJSON(s);
444         assert(json["a"].get!double == 123.0);
445         assert(json["a"].get!int == 123);
446         assert(json["a"].get!uint == 123);
447         assert(json["b"].get!double == 3.1415);
448         assertThrown!JSONException(json["b"].get!int);
449         assert(json["c"].get!string == "text");
450         assert(json["d"].get!bool == true);
451         assertNotThrown(json["e"].get!(JSONValue[]));
452         assertNotThrown(json["f"].get!(JSONValue[string]));
453         static assert(!__traits(compiles, json["a"].get!a));
454         assertThrown!JSONException(json["e"].get!float);
455         assertThrown!JSONException(json["d"].get!(JSONValue[string]));
456         assertThrown!JSONException(json["f"].get!(JSONValue[]));
457         assert(json["g"].get!int == -45);
458         assertThrown!ConvException(json["g"].get!uint);
459         assert(json["h"].get!ulong == ulong.max);
460         assertThrown!ConvException(json["h"].get!uint);
461         assertNotThrown(json["h"].get!float);
462     }
464     private void assign(T)(T arg)
465     {
466         static if (is(T : typeof(null)))
467         {
468             type_tag = JSONType.null_;
469         }
470         else static if (is(T : string))
471         {
472             type_tag = JSONType..string;
473             string t = arg;
474             () @trusted { store.str = t; }();
475         }
476         // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15884
477         else static if (isSomeString!T)
478         {
479             type_tag = JSONType..string;
480             // FIXME: std.Array.Array(Range) is not deduced as 'pure'
481             () @trusted {
482                 import std.utf : byUTF;
483                 store.str = cast(immutable)(arg.byUTF!char.array);
484             }();
485         }
486         else static if (is(T : bool))
487         {
488             type_tag = arg ? JSONType.true_ : JSONType.false_;
489         }
490         else static if (is(T : ulong) && isUnsigned!T)
491         {
492             type_tag = JSONType.uinteger;
493             store.uinteger = arg;
494         }
495         else static if (is(T : long))
496         {
497             type_tag = JSONType.integer;
498             store.integer = arg;
499         }
500         else static if (isFloatingPoint!T)
501         {
502             type_tag = JSONType.float_;
503             store.floating = arg;
504         }
505         else static if (is(T : Value[Key], Key, Value))
506         {
507             static assert(is(Key : string), "AA key must be string");
508             type_tag = JSONType.object;
509             static if (is(Value : JSONValue))
510             {
511                 JSONValue[string] t = arg;
512                 () @trusted { store.object = t; }();
513             }
514             else
515             {
516                 JSONValue[string] aa;
517                 foreach (key, value; arg)
518                     aa[key] = JSONValue(value);
519                 () @trusted { store.object = aa; }();
520             }
521         }
522         else static if (isArray!T)
523         {
524             type_tag = JSONType.array;
525             static if (is(ElementEncodingType!T : JSONValue))
526             {
527                 JSONValue[] t = arg;
528                 () @trusted { store.array = t; }();
529             }
530             else
531             {
532                 JSONValue[] new_arg = new JSONValue[arg.length];
533                 foreach (i, e; arg)
534                     new_arg[i] = JSONValue(e);
535                 () @trusted { store.array = new_arg; }();
536             }
537         }
538         else static if (is(T : JSONValue))
539         {
540             type_tag = arg.type;
541             store = arg.store;
542         }
543         else
544         {
545             static assert(false, text(`unable to convert type "`, T.stringof, `" to json`));
546         }
547     }
549     private void assignRef(T)(ref T arg) if (isStaticArray!T)
550     {
551         type_tag = JSONType.array;
552         static if (is(ElementEncodingType!T : JSONValue))
553         {
554             store.array = arg;
555         }
556         else
557         {
558             JSONValue[] new_arg = new JSONValue[arg.length];
559             foreach (i, e; arg)
560                 new_arg[i] = JSONValue(e);
561             store.array = new_arg;
562         }
563     }
565     /**
566      * Constructor for `JSONValue`. If `arg` is a `JSONValue`
567      * its value and type will be copied to the new `JSONValue`.
568      * Note that this is a shallow copy: if type is `JSONType.object`
569      * or `JSONType.array` then only the reference to the data will
570      * be copied.
571      * Otherwise, `arg` must be implicitly convertible to one of the
572      * following types: `typeof(null)`, `string`, `ulong`,
573      * `long`, `double`, an associative array `V[K]` for any `V`
574      * and `K` i.e. a JSON object, any array or `bool`. The type will
575      * be set accordingly.
576      */
577     this(T)(T arg) if (!isStaticArray!T)
578     {
579         assign(arg);
580     }
581     /// Ditto
582     this(T)(ref T arg) if (isStaticArray!T)
583     {
584         assignRef(arg);
585     }
586     /// Ditto
587     this(T : JSONValue)(inout T arg) inout
588     {
589         store = arg.store;
590         type_tag = arg.type;
591     }
592     ///
593     @safe unittest
594     {
595         JSONValue j = JSONValue( "a string" );
596         j = JSONValue(42);
598         j = JSONValue( [1, 2, 3] );
599         assert(j.type == JSONType.array);
601         j = JSONValue( ["language": "D"] );
602         assert(j.type == JSONType.object);
603     }
605     void opAssign(T)(T arg) if (!isStaticArray!T && !is(T : JSONValue))
606     {
607         assign(arg);
608     }
610     void opAssign(T)(ref T arg) if (isStaticArray!T)
611     {
612         assignRef(arg);
613     }
615     /***
616      * Array syntax for json arrays.
617      * Throws: `JSONException` if `type` is not `JSONType.array`.
618      */
619     ref inout(JSONValue) opIndex(size_t i) inout pure @safe
620     {
621         auto a = this.arrayNoRef;
622         enforce!JSONException(i < a.length,
623                                 "JSONValue array index is out of range");
624         return a[i];
625     }
626     ///
627     @safe unittest
628     {
629         JSONValue j = JSONValue( [42, 43, 44] );
630         assert( j[0].integer == 42 );
631         assert( j[1].integer == 43 );
632     }
634     /***
635      * Hash syntax for json objects.
636      * Throws: `JSONException` if `type` is not `JSONType.object`.
637      */
638     ref inout(JSONValue) opIndex(return string k) inout pure @safe
639     {
640         auto o = this.objectNoRef;
641         return *enforce!JSONException(k in o,
642                                         "Key not found: " ~ k);
643     }
644     ///
645     @safe unittest
646     {
647         JSONValue j = JSONValue( ["language": "D"] );
648         assert( j["language"].str == "D" );
649     }
651     /***
652      * Operator sets `value` for element of JSON object by `key`.
653      *
654      * If JSON value is null, then operator initializes it with object and then
655      * sets `value` for it.
656      *
657      * Throws: `JSONException` if `type` is not `JSONType.object`
658      * or `JSONType.null_`.
659      */
660     void opIndexAssign(T)(auto ref T value, string key)
661     {
662         enforce!JSONException(type == JSONType.object || type == JSONType.null_,
663                                 "JSONValue must be object or null");
664         JSONValue[string] aa = null;
665         if (type == JSONType.object)
666         {
667             aa = this.objectNoRef;
668         }
670         aa[key] = value;
671         this.object = aa;
672     }
673     ///
674     @safe unittest
675     {
676             JSONValue j = JSONValue( ["language": "D"] );
677             j["language"].str = "Perl";
678             assert( j["language"].str == "Perl" );
679     }
681     void opIndexAssign(T)(T arg, size_t i)
682     {
683         auto a = this.arrayNoRef;
684         enforce!JSONException(i < a.length,
685                                 "JSONValue array index is out of range");
686         a[i] = arg;
687         this.array = a;
688     }
689     ///
690     @safe unittest
691     {
692             JSONValue j = JSONValue( ["Perl", "C"] );
693             j[1].str = "D";
694             assert( j[1].str == "D" );
695     }
697     JSONValue opBinary(string op : "~", T)(T arg)
698     {
699         auto a = this.arrayNoRef;
700         static if (isArray!T)
701         {
702             return JSONValue(a ~ JSONValue(arg).arrayNoRef);
703         }
704         else static if (is(T : JSONValue))
705         {
706             return JSONValue(a ~ arg.arrayNoRef);
707         }
708         else
709         {
710             static assert(false, "argument is not an array or a JSONValue array");
711         }
712     }
714     void opOpAssign(string op : "~", T)(T arg)
715     {
716         auto a = this.arrayNoRef;
717         static if (isArray!T)
718         {
719             a ~= JSONValue(arg).arrayNoRef;
720         }
721         else static if (is(T : JSONValue))
722         {
723             a ~= arg.arrayNoRef;
724         }
725         else
726         {
727             static assert(false, "argument is not an array or a JSONValue array");
728         }
729         this.array = a;
730     }
732     /**
733      * Support for the `in` operator.
734      *
735      * Tests wether a key can be found in an object.
736      *
737      * Returns:
738      *      when found, the `const(JSONValue)*` that matches to the key,
739      *      otherwise `null`.
740      *
741      * Throws: `JSONException` if the right hand side argument `JSONType`
742      * is not `object`.
743      */
744     auto opBinaryRight(string op : "in")(string k) const @safe
745     {
746         return k in this.objectNoRef;
747     }
748     ///
749     @safe unittest
750     {
751         JSONValue j = [ "language": "D", "author": "walter" ];
752         string a = ("author" in j).str;
753     }
755     bool opEquals(const JSONValue rhs) const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
756     {
757         return opEquals(rhs);
758     }
760     bool opEquals(ref const JSONValue rhs) const @nogc nothrow pure @trusted
761     {
762         // Default doesn't work well since store is a union.  Compare only
763         // what should be in store.
764         // This is @trusted to remain nogc, nothrow, fast, and usable from @safe code.
766         final switch (type_tag)
767         {
768         case JSONType.integer:
769             switch (rhs.type_tag)
770             {
771                 case JSONType.integer:
772                     return store.integer == rhs.store.integer;
773                 case JSONType.uinteger:
774                     return store.integer == rhs.store.uinteger;
775                 case JSONType.float_:
776                     return store.integer == rhs.store.floating;
777                 default:
778                     return false;
779             }
780         case JSONType.uinteger:
781             switch (rhs.type_tag)
782             {
783                 case JSONType.integer:
784                     return store.uinteger == rhs.store.integer;
785                 case JSONType.uinteger:
786                     return store.uinteger == rhs.store.uinteger;
787                 case JSONType.float_:
788                     return store.uinteger == rhs.store.floating;
789                 default:
790                     return false;
791             }
792         case JSONType.float_:
793             switch (rhs.type_tag)
794             {
795                 case JSONType.integer:
796                     return store.floating == rhs.store.integer;
797                 case JSONType.uinteger:
798                     return store.floating == rhs.store.uinteger;
799                 case JSONType.float_:
800                     return store.floating == rhs.store.floating;
801                 default:
802                     return false;
803             }
804         case JSONType..string:
805             return type_tag == rhs.type_tag && store.str == rhs.store.str;
806         case JSONType.object:
807             return type_tag == rhs.type_tag && store.object == rhs.store.object;
808         case JSONType.array:
809             return type_tag == rhs.type_tag && store.array == rhs.store.array;
810         case JSONType.true_:
811         case JSONType.false_:
812         case JSONType.null_:
813             return type_tag == rhs.type_tag;
814         }
815     }
817     ///
818     @safe unittest
819     {
820         assert(JSONValue(0u) == JSONValue(0));
821         assert(JSONValue(0u) == JSONValue(0.0));
822         assert(JSONValue(0) == JSONValue(0.0));
823     }
825     /// Implements the foreach `opApply` interface for json arrays.
826     int opApply(scope int delegate(size_t index, ref JSONValue) dg) @system
827     {
828         int result;
830         foreach (size_t index, ref value; array)
831         {
832             result = dg(index, value);
833             if (result)
834                 break;
835         }
837         return result;
838     }
840     /// Implements the foreach `opApply` interface for json objects.
841     int opApply(scope int delegate(string key, ref JSONValue) dg) @system
842     {
843         enforce!JSONException(type == JSONType.object,
844                                 "JSONValue is not an object");
845         int result;
847         foreach (string key, ref value; object)
848         {
849             result = dg(key, value);
850             if (result)
851                 break;
852         }
854         return result;
855     }
857     /***
858      * Implicitly calls `toJSON` on this JSONValue.
859      *
860      * $(I options) can be used to tweak the conversion behavior.
861      */
862     string toString(in JSONOptions options = JSONOptions.none) const @safe
863     {
864         return toJSON(this, false, options);
865     }
867     ///
868     void toString(Out)(Out sink, in JSONOptions options = JSONOptions.none) const
869     {
870         toJSON(sink, this, false, options);
871     }
873     /***
874      * Implicitly calls `toJSON` on this JSONValue, like `toString`, but
875      * also passes $(I true) as $(I pretty) argument.
876      *
877      * $(I options) can be used to tweak the conversion behavior
878      */
879     string toPrettyString(in JSONOptions options = JSONOptions.none) const @safe
880     {
881         return toJSON(this, true, options);
882     }
884     ///
885     void toPrettyString(Out)(Out sink, in JSONOptions options = JSONOptions.none) const
886     {
887         toJSON(sink, this, true, options);
888     }
889 }
891 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20874
892 @system unittest
893 {
894     static struct MyCustomType
895     {
896         public string toString () const @system { return null; }
897         alias toString this;
898     }
900     static struct B
901     {
902         public JSONValue asJSON() const @system { return JSONValue.init; }
903         alias asJSON this;
904     }
906     if (false) // Just checking attributes
907     {
908         JSONValue json;
909         MyCustomType ilovedlang;
910         json = ilovedlang;
911         json["foo"] = ilovedlang;
912         auto s = ilovedlang in json;
914         B b;
915         json ~= b;
916         json ~ b;
917     }
918 }
920 /**
921 Parses a serialized string and returns a tree of JSON values.
922 Throws: $(LREF JSONException) if string does not follow the JSON grammar or the depth exceeds the max depth,
923         $(LREF ConvException) if a number in the input cannot be represented by a native D type.
924 Params:
925     json = json-formatted string to parse
926     maxDepth = maximum depth of nesting allowed, -1 disables depth checking
927     options = enable decoding string representations of NaN/Inf as float values
928 */
929 JSONValue parseJSON(T)(T json, int maxDepth = -1, JSONOptions options = JSONOptions.none)
930 if (isInputRange!T && !isInfinite!T && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!T))
931 {
932     import std.ascii : isDigit, isHexDigit, toUpper, toLower;
933     import std.typecons : Nullable, Yes;
934     JSONValue root;
935     root.type_tag = JSONType.null_;
937     // Avoid UTF decoding when possible, as it is unnecessary when
938     // processing JSON.
939     static if (is(T : const(char)[]))
940         alias Char = char;
941     else
942         alias Char = Unqual!(ElementType!T);
944     int depth = -1;
945     Nullable!Char next;
946     int line = 1, pos = 0;
947     immutable bool strict = (options & JSONOptions.strictParsing) != 0;
949     void error(string msg)
950     {
951         throw new JSONException(msg, line, pos);
952     }
954     if (json.empty)
955     {
956         if (strict)
957         {
958             error("Empty JSON body");
959         }
960         return root;
961     }
963     bool isWhite(dchar c)
964     {
965         if (strict)
966         {
967             // RFC 7159 has a stricter definition of whitespace than general ASCII.
968             return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r';
969         }
970         import std.ascii : isWhite;
971         // Accept ASCII NUL as whitespace in non-strict mode.
972         return c == 0 || isWhite(c);
973     }
975     Char popChar()
976     {
977         if (json.empty) error("Unexpected end of data.");
978         static if (is(T : const(char)[]))
979         {
980             Char c = json[0];
981             json = json[1..$];
982         }
983         else
984         {
985             Char c = json.front;
986             json.popFront();
987         }
989         if (c == '\n')
990         {
991             line++;
992             pos = 0;
993         }
994         else
995         {
996             pos++;
997         }
999         return c;
1000     }
1002     Char peekChar()
1003     {
1004         if (next.isNull)
1005         {
1006             if (json.empty) return '\0';
1007             next = popChar();
1008         }
1009         return next.get;
1010     }
1012     Nullable!Char peekCharNullable()
1013     {
1014         if (next.isNull && !json.empty)
1015         {
1016             next = popChar();
1017         }
1018         return next;
1019     }
1021     void skipWhitespace()
1022     {
1023         while (true)
1024         {
1025             auto c = peekCharNullable();
1026             if (c.isNull ||
1027                 !isWhite(c.get))
1028             {
1029                 return;
1030             }
1031             next.nullify();
1032         }
1033     }
1035     Char getChar(bool SkipWhitespace = false)()
1036     {
1037         static if (SkipWhitespace) skipWhitespace();
1039         Char c;
1040         if (!next.isNull)
1041         {
1042             c = next.get;
1043             next.nullify();
1044         }
1045         else
1046             c = popChar();
1048         return c;
1049     }
1051     void checkChar(bool SkipWhitespace = true)(char c, bool caseSensitive = true)
1052     {
1053         static if (SkipWhitespace) skipWhitespace();
1054         auto c2 = getChar();
1055         if (!caseSensitive) c2 = toLower(c2);
1057         if (c2 != c) error(text("Found '", c2, "' when expecting '", c, "'."));
1058     }
1060     bool testChar(bool SkipWhitespace = true, bool CaseSensitive = true)(char c)
1061     {
1062         static if (SkipWhitespace) skipWhitespace();
1063         auto c2 = peekChar();
1064         static if (!CaseSensitive) c2 = toLower(c2);
1066         if (c2 != c) return false;
1068         getChar();
1069         return true;
1070     }
1072     wchar parseWChar()
1073     {
1074         wchar val = 0;
1075         foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. 4)
1076         {
1077             auto hex = toUpper(getChar());
1078             if (!isHexDigit(hex)) error("Expecting hex character");
1079             val += (isDigit(hex) ? hex - '0' : hex - ('A' - 10)) << (4 * i);
1080         }
1081         return val;
1082     }
1084     string parseString()
1085     {
1086         import std.uni : isSurrogateHi, isSurrogateLo;
1087         import std.utf : encode, decode;
1089         auto str = appender!string();
1091     Next:
1092         switch (peekChar())
1093         {
1094             case '"':
1095                 getChar();
1096                 break;
1098             case '\\':
1099                 getChar();
1100                 auto c = getChar();
1101                 switch (c)
1102                 {
1103                     case '"':       str.put('"');   break;
1104                     case '\\':      str.put('\\');  break;
1105                     case '/':       str.put('/');   break;
1106                     case 'b':       str.put('\b');  break;
1107                     case 'f':       str.put('\f');  break;
1108                     case 'n':       str.put('\n');  break;
1109                     case 'r':       str.put('\r');  break;
1110                     case 't':       str.put('\t');  break;
1111                     case 'u':
1112                         wchar wc = parseWChar();
1113                         dchar val;
1114                         // Non-BMP characters are escaped as a pair of
1115                         // UTF-16 surrogate characters (see RFC 4627).
1116                         if (isSurrogateHi(wc))
1117                         {
1118                             wchar[2] pair;
1119                             pair[0] = wc;
1120                             if (getChar() != '\\') error("Expected escaped low surrogate after escaped high surrogate");
1121                             if (getChar() != 'u') error("Expected escaped low surrogate after escaped high surrogate");
1122                             pair[1] = parseWChar();
1123                             size_t index = 0;
1124                             val = decode(pair[], index);
1125                             if (index != 2) error("Invalid escaped surrogate pair");
1126                         }
1127                         else
1128                         if (isSurrogateLo(wc))
1129                             error(text("Unexpected low surrogate"));
1130                         else
1131                             val = wc;
1133                         char[4] buf;
1134                         immutable len = encode!(Yes.useReplacementDchar)(buf, val);
1135                         str.put(buf[0 .. len]);
1136                         break;
1138                     default:
1139                         error(text("Invalid escape sequence '\\", c, "'."));
1140                 }
1141                 goto Next;
1143             default:
1144                 // RFC 7159 states that control characters U+0000 through
1145                 // U+001F must not appear unescaped in a JSON string.
1146                 // Note: std.ascii.isControl can't be used for this test
1147                 // because it considers ASCII DEL (0x7f) to be a control
1148                 // character but RFC 7159 does not.
1149                 // Accept unescaped ASCII NULs in non-strict mode.
1150                 auto c = getChar();
1151                 if (c < 0x20 && (strict || c != 0))
1152                     error("Illegal control character.");
1153                 str.put(c);
1154                 goto Next;
1155         }
1157         return str.data.length ? str.data : "";
1158     }
1160     bool tryGetSpecialFloat(string str, out double val) {
1161         switch (str)
1162         {
1163             case JSONFloatLiteral.nan:
1164                 val = double.nan;
1165                 return true;
1166             case JSONFloatLiteral.inf:
1167                 val = double.infinity;
1168                 return true;
1169             case JSONFloatLiteral.negativeInf:
1170                 val = -double.infinity;
1171                 return true;
1172             default:
1173                 return false;
1174         }
1175     }
1177     void parseValue(ref JSONValue value)
1178     {
1179         depth++;
1181         if (maxDepth != -1 && depth > maxDepth) error("Nesting too deep.");
1183         auto c = getChar!true();
1185         switch (c)
1186         {
1187             case '{':
1188                 if (testChar('}'))
1189                 {
1190                     value.object = null;
1191                     break;
1192                 }
1194                 JSONValue[string] obj;
1195                 do
1196                 {
1197                     skipWhitespace();
1198                     if (!strict && peekChar() == '}')
1199                     {
1200                         break;
1201                     }
1202                     checkChar('"');
1203                     string name = parseString();
1204                     checkChar(':');
1205                     JSONValue member;
1206                     parseValue(member);
1207                     obj[name] = member;
1208                 }
1209                 while (testChar(','));
1210                 value.object = obj;
1212                 checkChar('}');
1213                 break;
1215             case '[':
1216                 if (testChar(']'))
1217                 {
1218                     value.type_tag = JSONType.array;
1219                     break;
1220                 }
1222                 JSONValue[] arr;
1223                 do
1224                 {
1225                     skipWhitespace();
1226                     if (!strict && peekChar() == ']')
1227                     {
1228                         break;
1229                     }
1230                     JSONValue element;
1231                     parseValue(element);
1232                     arr ~= element;
1233                 }
1234                 while (testChar(','));
1236                 checkChar(']');
1237                 value.array = arr;
1238                 break;
1240             case '"':
1241                 auto str = parseString();
1243                 // if special float parsing is enabled, check if string represents NaN/Inf
1244                 if ((options & JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals) &&
1245                     tryGetSpecialFloat(str, value.store.floating))
1246                 {
1247                     // found a special float, its value was placed in value.store.floating
1248                     value.type_tag = JSONType.float_;
1249                     break;
1250                 }
1252                 value.assign(str);
1253                 break;
1255             case '0': .. case '9':
1256             case '-':
1257                 auto number = appender!string();
1258                 bool isFloat, isNegative;
1260                 void readInteger()
1261                 {
1262                     if (!isDigit(c)) error("Digit expected");
1264                 Next: number.put(c);
1266                     if (isDigit(peekChar()))
1267                     {
1268                         c = getChar();
1269                         goto Next;
1270                     }
1271                 }
1273                 if (c == '-')
1274                 {
1275                     number.put('-');
1276                     c = getChar();
1277                     isNegative = true;
1278                 }
1280                 if (strict && c == '0')
1281                 {
1282                     number.put('0');
1283                     if (isDigit(peekChar()))
1284                     {
1285                         error("Additional digits not allowed after initial zero digit");
1286                     }
1287                 }
1288                 else
1289                 {
1290                     readInteger();
1291                 }
1293                 if (testChar('.'))
1294                 {
1295                     isFloat = true;
1296                     number.put('.');
1297                     c = getChar();
1298                     readInteger();
1299                 }
1300                 if (testChar!(false, false)('e'))
1301                 {
1302                     isFloat = true;
1303                     number.put('e');
1304                     if (testChar('+')) number.put('+');
1305                     else if (testChar('-')) number.put('-');
1306                     c = getChar();
1307                     readInteger();
1308                 }
1310                 string data = number.data;
1311                 if (isFloat)
1312                 {
1313                     value.type_tag = JSONType.float_;
1314                     value.store.floating = parse!double(data);
1315                 }
1316                 else
1317                 {
1318                     if (isNegative)
1319                     {
1320                         value.store.integer = parse!long(data);
1321                         value.type_tag = JSONType.integer;
1322                     }
1323                     else
1324                     {
1325                         // only set the correct union member to not confuse CTFE
1326                         ulong u = parse!ulong(data);
1327                         if (u & (1UL << 63))
1328                         {
1329                             value.store.uinteger = u;
1330                             value.type_tag = JSONType.uinteger;
1331                         }
1332                         else
1333                         {
1334                             value.store.integer = u;
1335                             value.type_tag = JSONType.integer;
1336                         }
1337                     }
1338                 }
1339                 break;
1341             case 'T':
1342                 if (strict) goto default;
1343                 goto case;
1344             case 't':
1345                 value.type_tag = JSONType.true_;
1346                 checkChar!false('r', strict);
1347                 checkChar!false('u', strict);
1348                 checkChar!false('e', strict);
1349                 break;
1351             case 'F':
1352                 if (strict) goto default;
1353                 goto case;
1354             case 'f':
1355                 value.type_tag = JSONType.false_;
1356                 checkChar!false('a', strict);
1357                 checkChar!false('l', strict);
1358                 checkChar!false('s', strict);
1359                 checkChar!false('e', strict);
1360                 break;
1362             case 'N':
1363                 if (strict) goto default;
1364                 goto case;
1365             case 'n':
1366                 value.type_tag = JSONType.null_;
1367                 checkChar!false('u', strict);
1368                 checkChar!false('l', strict);
1369                 checkChar!false('l', strict);
1370                 break;
1372             default:
1373                 error(text("Unexpected character '", c, "'."));
1374         }
1376         depth--;
1377     }
1379     parseValue(root);
1380     if (strict)
1381     {
1382         skipWhitespace();
1383         if (!peekCharNullable().isNull) error("Trailing non-whitespace characters");
1384     }
1385     return root;
1386 }
1388 @safe unittest
1389 {
1390     enum issue15742objectOfObject = `{ "key1": { "key2": 1 }}`;
1391     static assert(parseJSON(issue15742objectOfObject).type == JSONType.object);
1393     enum issue15742arrayOfArray = `[[1]]`;
1394     static assert(parseJSON(issue15742arrayOfArray).type == JSONType.array);
1395 }
1397 @safe unittest
1398 {
1399     // Ensure we can parse and use JSON from @safe code
1400     auto a = `{ "key1": { "key2": 1 }}`.parseJSON;
1401     assert(a["key1"]["key2"].integer == 1);
1402     assert(a.toString == `{"key1":{"key2":1}}`);
1403 }
1405 @system unittest
1406 {
1407     // Ensure we can parse JSON from a @system range.
1408     struct Range
1409     {
1410         string s;
1411         size_t index;
1412         @system
1413         {
1414             bool empty() { return index >= s.length; }
1415             void popFront() { index++; }
1416             char front() { return s[index]; }
1417         }
1418     }
1419     auto s = Range(`{ "key1": { "key2": 1 }}`);
1420     auto json = parseJSON(s);
1421     assert(json["key1"]["key2"].integer == 1);
1422 }
1424 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20527
1425 @safe unittest
1426 {
1427     static assert(parseJSON(`{"a" : 2}`)["a"].integer == 2);
1428 }
1430 /**
1431 Parses a serialized string and returns a tree of JSON values.
1432 Throws: $(LREF JSONException) if the depth exceeds the max depth.
1433 Params:
1434     json = json-formatted string to parse
1435     options = enable decoding string representations of NaN/Inf as float values
1436 */
1437 JSONValue parseJSON(T)(T json, JSONOptions options)
1438 if (isInputRange!T && !isInfinite!T && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!T))
1439 {
1440     return parseJSON!T(json, -1, options);
1441 }
1443 /**
1444 Takes a tree of JSON values and returns the serialized string.
1446 Any Object types will be serialized in a key-sorted order.
1448 If `pretty` is false no whitespaces are generated.
1449 If `pretty` is true serialized string is formatted to be human-readable.
1450 Set the $(LREF JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals) flag is set in `options` to encode NaN/Infinity as strings.
1451 */
1452 string toJSON(const ref JSONValue root, in bool pretty = false, in JSONOptions options = JSONOptions.none) @safe
1453 {
1454     auto json = appender!string();
1455     toJSON(json, root, pretty, options);
1456     return json.data;
1457 }
1459 ///
1460 void toJSON(Out)(
1461     auto ref Out json,
1462     const ref JSONValue root,
1463     in bool pretty = false,
1464     in JSONOptions options = JSONOptions.none)
1465 if (isOutputRange!(Out,char))
1466 {
1467     void toStringImpl(Char)(string str)
1468     {
1469         json.put('"');
1471         foreach (Char c; str)
1472         {
1473             switch (c)
1474             {
1475                 case '"':       json.put("\\\"");       break;
1476                 case '\\':      json.put("\\\\");       break;
1478                 case '/':
1479                     if (!(options & JSONOptions.doNotEscapeSlashes))
1480                         json.put('\\');
1481                     json.put('/');
1482                     break;
1484                 case '\b':      json.put("\\b");        break;
1485                 case '\f':      json.put("\\f");        break;
1486                 case '\n':      json.put("\\n");        break;
1487                 case '\r':      json.put("\\r");        break;
1488                 case '\t':      json.put("\\t");        break;
1489                 default:
1490                 {
1491                     import std.ascii : isControl;
1492                     import std.utf : encode;
1494                     // Make sure we do UTF decoding iff we want to
1495                     // escape Unicode characters.
1496                     assert(((options & JSONOptions.escapeNonAsciiChars) != 0)
1497                         == is(Char == dchar), "JSONOptions.escapeNonAsciiChars needs dchar strings");
1499                     with (JSONOptions) if (isControl(c) ||
1500                         ((options & escapeNonAsciiChars) >= escapeNonAsciiChars && c >= 0x80))
1501                     {
1502                         // Ensure non-BMP characters are encoded as a pair
1503                         // of UTF-16 surrogate characters, as per RFC 4627.
1504                         wchar[2] wchars; // 1 or 2 UTF-16 code units
1505                         size_t wNum = encode(wchars, c); // number of UTF-16 code units
1506                         foreach (wc; wchars[0 .. wNum])
1507                         {
1508                             json.put("\\u");
1509                             foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. 4)
1510                             {
1511                                 char ch = (wc >>> (4 * i)) & 0x0f;
1512                                 ch += ch < 10 ? '0' : 'A' - 10;
1513                                 json.put(ch);
1514                             }
1515                         }
1516                     }
1517                     else
1518                     {
1519                         json.put(c);
1520                     }
1521                 }
1522             }
1523         }
1525         json.put('"');
1526     }
1528     void toString(string str)
1529     {
1530         // Avoid UTF decoding when possible, as it is unnecessary when
1531         // processing JSON.
1532         if (options & JSONOptions.escapeNonAsciiChars)
1533             toStringImpl!dchar(str);
1534         else
1535             toStringImpl!char(str);
1536     }
1538     // recursive @safe inference is broken here
1539     // workaround: if json.put is @safe, we should be too,
1540     // so annotate the recursion as @safe manually
1541     static if (isSafe!({ json.put(""); }))
1542     {
1543         void delegate(ref const JSONValue, ulong) @safe toValue;
1544     }
1545     else
1546     {
1547         void delegate(ref const JSONValue, ulong) @system toValue;
1548     }
1550     void toValueImpl(ref const JSONValue value, ulong indentLevel)
1551     {
1552         void putTabs(ulong additionalIndent = 0)
1553         {
1554             if (pretty)
1555                 foreach (i; 0 .. indentLevel + additionalIndent)
1556                     json.put("    ");
1557         }
1558         void putEOL()
1559         {
1560             if (pretty)
1561                 json.put('\n');
1562         }
1563         void putCharAndEOL(char ch)
1564         {
1565             json.put(ch);
1566             putEOL();
1567         }
1569         final switch (value.type)
1570         {
1571             case JSONType.object:
1572                 auto obj = value.objectNoRef;
1573                 if (!obj.length)
1574                 {
1575                     json.put("{}");
1576                 }
1577                 else
1578                 {
1579                     putCharAndEOL('{');
1580                     bool first = true;
1582                     void emit(R)(R names)
1583                     {
1584                         foreach (name; names)
1585                         {
1586                             auto member = obj[name];
1587                             if (!first)
1588                                 putCharAndEOL(',');
1589                             first = false;
1590                             putTabs(1);
1591                             toString(name);
1592                             json.put(':');
1593                             if (pretty)
1594                                 json.put(' ');
1595                             toValue(member, indentLevel + 1);
1596                         }
1597                     }
1599                     import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
1600                     // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14439
1601                     // auto names = obj.keys;  // aa.keys can't be called in @safe code
1602                     auto names = new string[obj.length];
1603                     size_t i = 0;
1604                     foreach (k, v; obj)
1605                     {
1606                         names[i] = k;
1607                         i++;
1608                     }
1609                     sort(names);
1610                     emit(names);
1612                     putEOL();
1613                     putTabs();
1614                     json.put('}');
1615                 }
1616                 break;
1618             case JSONType.array:
1619                 auto arr = value.arrayNoRef;
1620                 if (arr.empty)
1621                 {
1622                     json.put("[]");
1623                 }
1624                 else
1625                 {
1626                     putCharAndEOL('[');
1627                     foreach (i, el; arr)
1628                     {
1629                         if (i)
1630                             putCharAndEOL(',');
1631                         putTabs(1);
1632                         toValue(el, indentLevel + 1);
1633                     }
1634                     putEOL();
1635                     putTabs();
1636                     json.put(']');
1637                 }
1638                 break;
1640             case JSONType..string:
1641                 toString(value.str);
1642                 break;
1644             case JSONType.integer:
1645                 json.put(to!string(value.store.integer));
1646                 break;
1648             case JSONType.uinteger:
1649                 json.put(to!string(value.store.uinteger));
1650                 break;
1652             case JSONType.float_:
1653                 import std.math.traits : isNaN, isInfinity;
1655                 auto val = value.store.floating;
1657                 if (val.isNaN)
1658                 {
1659                     if (options & JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals)
1660                     {
1661                         toString(JSONFloatLiteral.nan);
1662                     }
1663                     else
1664                     {
1665                         throw new JSONException(
1666                             "Cannot encode NaN. Consider passing the specialFloatLiterals flag.");
1667                     }
1668                 }
1669                 else if (val.isInfinity)
1670                 {
1671                     if (options & JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals)
1672                     {
1673                         toString((val > 0) ?  JSONFloatLiteral.inf : JSONFloatLiteral.negativeInf);
1674                     }
1675                     else
1676                     {
1677                         throw new JSONException(
1678                             "Cannot encode Infinity. Consider passing the specialFloatLiterals flag.");
1679                     }
1680                 }
1681                 else
1682                 {
1683                     import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
1684                     import std.format : sformat;
1685                     // The correct formula for the number of decimal digits needed for lossless round
1686                     // trips is actually:
1687                     //     ceil(log(pow(2.0, double.mant_dig - 1)) / log(10.0) + 1) == (double.dig + 2)
1688                     // Anything less will round off (1 + double.epsilon)
1689                     char[25] buf;
1690                     auto result = buf[].sformat!"%.18g"(val);
1691                     json.put(result);
1692                     if (!result.canFind('e') && !result.canFind('.'))
1693                         json.put(".0");
1694                 }
1695                 break;
1697             case JSONType.true_:
1698                 json.put("true");
1699                 break;
1701             case JSONType.false_:
1702                 json.put("false");
1703                 break;
1705             case JSONType.null_:
1706                 json.put("null");
1707                 break;
1708         }
1709     }
1711     toValue = &toValueImpl;
1713     toValue(root, 0);
1714 }
1716  // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12897
1717 @safe unittest
1718 {
1719     JSONValue jv0 = JSONValue("test测试");
1720     assert(toJSON(jv0, false, JSONOptions.escapeNonAsciiChars) == `"test\u6D4B\u8BD5"`);
1721     JSONValue jv00 = JSONValue("test\u6D4B\u8BD5");
1722     assert(toJSON(jv00, false, JSONOptions.none) == `"test测试"`);
1723     assert(toJSON(jv0, false, JSONOptions.none) == `"test测试"`);
1724     JSONValue jv1 = JSONValue("été");
1725     assert(toJSON(jv1, false, JSONOptions.escapeNonAsciiChars) == `"\u00E9t\u00E9"`);
1726     JSONValue jv11 = JSONValue("\u00E9t\u00E9");
1727     assert(toJSON(jv11, false, JSONOptions.none) == `"été"`);
1728     assert(toJSON(jv1, false, JSONOptions.none) == `"été"`);
1729 }
1731 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20511
1732 @system unittest
1733 {
1734     import std.format.write : formattedWrite;
1735     import std.range : nullSink, outputRangeObject;
1737     outputRangeObject!(const(char)[])(nullSink)
1738         .formattedWrite!"%s"(JSONValue.init);
1739 }
1741 // Issue 16432 - JSON incorrectly parses to string
1742 @safe unittest
1743 {
1744     // Floating points numbers are rounded to the nearest integer and thus get
1745     // incorrectly parsed
1747     import std.math.operations : isClose;
1749     string s = "{\"rating\": 3.0 }";
1750     JSONValue j = parseJSON(s);
1751     assert(j["rating"].type == JSONType.float_);
1752     j = j.toString.parseJSON;
1753     assert(j["rating"].type == JSONType.float_);
1754     assert(isClose(j["rating"].floating, 3.0));
1756     s = "{\"rating\": -3.0 }";
1757     j = parseJSON(s);
1758     assert(j["rating"].type == JSONType.float_);
1759     j = j.toString.parseJSON;
1760     assert(j["rating"].type == JSONType.float_);
1761     assert(isClose(j["rating"].floating, -3.0));
1763     // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13660
1764     auto jv1 = JSONValue(4.0);
1765     auto textual = jv1.toString();
1766     auto jv2 = parseJSON(textual);
1767     assert(jv1.type == JSONType.float_);
1768     assert(textual == "4.0");
1769     assert(jv2.type == JSONType.float_);
1770 }
1772 @safe unittest
1773 {
1774     // Adapted from https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/5005
1775     // Result from toString is not checked here, because this
1776     // might differ (%e-like or %f-like output) depending
1777     // on OS and compiler optimization.
1778     import std.math.operations : isClose;
1780     // test positive extreme values
1781     JSONValue j;
1782     j["rating"] = 1e18 - 65;
1783     assert(isClose(j.toString.parseJSON["rating"].floating, 1e18 - 65));
1785     j["rating"] = 1e18 - 64;
1786     assert(isClose(j.toString.parseJSON["rating"].floating, 1e18 - 64));
1788     // negative extreme values
1789     j["rating"] = -1e18 + 65;
1790     assert(isClose(j.toString.parseJSON["rating"].floating, -1e18 + 65));
1792     j["rating"] = -1e18 + 64;
1793     assert(isClose(j.toString.parseJSON["rating"].floating, -1e18 + 64));
1794 }
1796 /**
1797 Exception thrown on JSON errors
1798 */
1799 class JSONException : Exception
1800 {
1801     this(string msg, int line = 0, int pos = 0) pure nothrow @safe
1802     {
1803         if (line)
1804             super(text(msg, " (Line ", line, ":", pos, ")"));
1805         else
1806             super(msg);
1807     }
1809     this(string msg, string file, size_t line) pure nothrow @safe
1810     {
1811         super(msg, file, line);
1812     }
1813 }
1816 @system unittest
1817 {
1818     import std.exception;
1819     JSONValue jv = "123";
1820     assert(jv.type == JSONType..string);
1821     assertNotThrown(jv.str);
1822     assertThrown!JSONException(jv.integer);
1823     assertThrown!JSONException(jv.uinteger);
1824     assertThrown!JSONException(jv.floating);
1825     assertThrown!JSONException(jv.object);
1826     assertThrown!JSONException(jv.array);
1827     assertThrown!JSONException(jv["aa"]);
1828     assertThrown!JSONException(jv[2]);
1830     jv = -3;
1831     assert(jv.type == JSONType.integer);
1832     assertNotThrown(jv.integer);
1834     jv = cast(uint) 3;
1835     assert(jv.type == JSONType.uinteger);
1836     assertNotThrown(jv.uinteger);
1838     jv = 3.0;
1839     assert(jv.type == JSONType.float_);
1840     assertNotThrown(jv.floating);
1842     jv = ["key" : "value"];
1843     assert(jv.type == JSONType.object);
1844     assertNotThrown(jv.object);
1845     assertNotThrown(jv["key"]);
1846     assert("key" in jv);
1847     assert("notAnElement" !in jv);
1848     assertThrown!JSONException(jv["notAnElement"]);
1849     const cjv = jv;
1850     assert("key" in cjv);
1851     assertThrown!JSONException(cjv["notAnElement"]);
1853     foreach (string key, value; jv)
1854     {
1855         static assert(is(typeof(value) == JSONValue));
1856         assert(key == "key");
1857         assert(value.type == JSONType..string);
1858         assertNotThrown(value.str);
1859         assert(value.str == "value");
1860     }
1862     jv = [3, 4, 5];
1863     assert(jv.type == JSONType.array);
1864     assertNotThrown(jv.array);
1865     assertNotThrown(jv[2]);
1866     foreach (size_t index, value; jv)
1867     {
1868         static assert(is(typeof(value) == JSONValue));
1869         assert(value.type == JSONType.integer);
1870         assertNotThrown(value.integer);
1871         assert(index == (value.integer-3));
1872     }
1874     jv = null;
1875     assert(jv.type == JSONType.null_);
1876     assert(jv.isNull);
1877     jv = "foo";
1878     assert(!jv.isNull);
1880     jv = JSONValue("value");
1881     assert(jv.type == JSONType..string);
1882     assert(jv.str == "value");
1884     JSONValue jv2 = JSONValue("value");
1885     assert(jv2.type == JSONType..string);
1886     assert(jv2.str == "value");
1888     JSONValue jv3 = JSONValue("\u001c");
1889     assert(jv3.type == JSONType..string);
1890     assert(jv3.str == "\u001C");
1891 }
1893 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11504
1894 @system unittest
1895 {
1896     JSONValue jv = 1;
1897     assert(jv.type == JSONType.integer);
1899     jv.str = "123";
1900     assert(jv.type == JSONType..string);
1901     assert(jv.str == "123");
1903     jv.integer = 1;
1904     assert(jv.type == JSONType.integer);
1905     assert(jv.integer == 1);
1907     jv.uinteger = 2u;
1908     assert(jv.type == JSONType.uinteger);
1909     assert(jv.uinteger == 2u);
1911     jv.floating = 1.5;
1912     assert(jv.type == JSONType.float_);
1913     assert(jv.floating == 1.5);
1915     jv.object = ["key" : JSONValue("value")];
1916     assert(jv.type == JSONType.object);
1917     assert(jv.object == ["key" : JSONValue("value")]);
1919     jv.array = [JSONValue(1), JSONValue(2), JSONValue(3)];
1920     assert(jv.type == JSONType.array);
1921     assert(jv.array == [JSONValue(1), JSONValue(2), JSONValue(3)]);
1923     jv = true;
1924     assert(jv.type == JSONType.true_);
1926     jv = false;
1927     assert(jv.type == JSONType.false_);
1929     enum E{True = true}
1930     jv = E.True;
1931     assert(jv.type == JSONType.true_);
1932 }
1934 @system pure unittest
1935 {
1936     // Adding new json element via array() / object() directly
1938     JSONValue jarr = JSONValue([10]);
1939     foreach (i; 0 .. 9)
1940         jarr.array ~= JSONValue(i);
1941     assert(jarr.array.length == 10);
1943     JSONValue jobj = JSONValue(["key" : JSONValue("value")]);
1944     foreach (i; 0 .. 9)
1945         jobj.object[text("key", i)] = JSONValue(text("value", i));
1946     assert(jobj.object.length == 10);
1947 }
1949 @system pure unittest
1950 {
1951     // Adding new json element without array() / object() access
1953     JSONValue jarr = JSONValue([10]);
1954     foreach (i; 0 .. 9)
1955         jarr ~= [JSONValue(i)];
1956     assert(jarr.array.length == 10);
1958     JSONValue jobj = JSONValue(["key" : JSONValue("value")]);
1959     foreach (i; 0 .. 9)
1960         jobj[text("key", i)] = JSONValue(text("value", i));
1961     assert(jobj.object.length == 10);
1963     // No array alias
1964     auto jarr2 = jarr ~ [1,2,3];
1965     jarr2[0] = 999;
1966     assert(jarr[0] == JSONValue(10));
1967 }
1969 @system unittest
1970 {
1971     // @system because JSONValue.array is @system
1972     import std.exception;
1974     // An overly simple test suite, if it can parse a serializated string and
1975     // then use the resulting values tree to generate an identical
1976     // serialization, both the decoder and encoder works.
1978     auto jsons = [
1979         `null`,
1980         `true`,
1981         `false`,
1982         `0`,
1983         `123`,
1984         `-4321`,
1985         `0.25`,
1986         `-0.25`,
1987         `""`,
1988         `"hello\nworld"`,
1989         `"\"\\\/\b\f\n\r\t"`,
1990         `[]`,
1991         `[12,"foo",true,false]`,
1992         `{}`,
1993         `{"a":1,"b":null}`,
1994         `{"goodbye":[true,"or",false,["test",42,{"nested":{"a":23.5,"b":0.140625}}]],`
1995         ~`"hello":{"array":[12,null,{}],"json":"is great"}}`,
1996     ];
1998     enum dbl1_844 = `1.8446744073709568`;
1999     version (MinGW)
2000         jsons ~= dbl1_844 ~ `e+019`;
2001     else
2002         jsons ~= dbl1_844 ~ `e+19`;
2004     JSONValue val;
2005     string result;
2006     foreach (json; jsons)
2007     {
2008         try
2009         {
2010             val = parseJSON(json);
2011             enum pretty = false;
2012             result = toJSON(val, pretty);
2013             assert(result == json, text(result, " should be ", json));
2014         }
2015         catch (JSONException e)
2016         {
2017             import std.stdio : writefln;
2018             writefln(text(json, "\n", e.toString()));
2019         }
2020     }
2022     // Should be able to correctly interpret unicode entities
2023     val = parseJSON(`"\u003C\u003E"`);
2024     assert(toJSON(val) == "\"\&lt;\&gt;\"");
2025     assert(val.to!string() == "\"\&lt;\&gt;\"");
2026     val = parseJSON(`"\u0391\u0392\u0393"`);
2027     assert(toJSON(val) == "\"\&Alpha;\&Beta;\&Gamma;\"");
2028     assert(val.to!string() == "\"\&Alpha;\&Beta;\&Gamma;\"");
2029     val = parseJSON(`"\u2660\u2666"`);
2030     assert(toJSON(val) == "\"\&spades;\&diams;\"");
2031     assert(val.to!string() == "\"\&spades;\&diams;\"");
2033     //0x7F is a control character (see Unicode spec)
2034     val = parseJSON(`"\u007F"`);
2035     assert(toJSON(val) == "\"\\u007F\"");
2036     assert(val.to!string() == "\"\\u007F\"");
2038     with(parseJSON(`""`))
2039         assert(str == "" && str !is null);
2040     with(parseJSON(`[]`))
2041         assert(!array.length);
2043     // Formatting
2044     val = parseJSON(`{"a":[null,{"x":1},{},[]]}`);
2045     assert(toJSON(val, true) == `{
2046     "a": [
2047         null,
2048         {
2049             "x": 1
2050         },
2051         {},
2052         []
2053     ]
2054 }`);
2055 }
2057 @safe unittest
2058 {
2059   auto json = `"hello\nworld"`;
2060   const jv = parseJSON(json);
2061   assert(jv.toString == json);
2062   assert(jv.toPrettyString == json);
2063 }
2065 @system pure unittest
2066 {
2067     // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12969
2069     JSONValue jv;
2070     jv["int"] = 123;
2072     assert(jv.type == JSONType.object);
2073     assert("int" in jv);
2074     assert(jv["int"].integer == 123);
2076     jv["array"] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
2078     assert(jv["array"].type == JSONType.array);
2079     assert(jv["array"][2].integer == 3);
2081     jv["str"] = "D language";
2082     assert(jv["str"].type == JSONType..string);
2083     assert(jv["str"].str == "D language");
2085     jv["bool"] = false;
2086     assert(jv["bool"].type == JSONType.false_);
2088     assert(jv.object.length == 4);
2090     jv = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1];
2091     assert(jv.type == JSONType.array);
2092     assert(jv[3].integer == 2);
2093 }
2095 @safe unittest
2096 {
2097     auto s = q"EOF
2098 [
2099   1,
2100   2,
2101   3,
2102   potato
2103 ]
2104 EOF";
2106     import std.exception;
2108     auto e = collectException!JSONException(parseJSON(s));
2109     assert(e.msg == "Unexpected character 'p'. (Line 5:3)", e.msg);
2110 }
2112 // handling of special float values (NaN, Inf, -Inf)
2113 @safe unittest
2114 {
2115     import std.exception : assertThrown;
2116     import std.math.traits : isNaN, isInfinity;
2118     // expected representations of NaN and Inf
2119     enum {
2120         nanString         = '"' ~ JSONFloatLiteral.nan         ~ '"',
2121         infString         = '"' ~ JSONFloatLiteral.inf         ~ '"',
2122         negativeInfString = '"' ~ JSONFloatLiteral.negativeInf ~ '"',
2123     }
2125     // with the specialFloatLiterals option, encode NaN/Inf as strings
2126     assert(JSONValue(float.nan).toString(JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals)       == nanString);
2127     assert(JSONValue(double.infinity).toString(JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals) == infString);
2128     assert(JSONValue(-real.infinity).toString(JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals)  == negativeInfString);
2130     // without the specialFloatLiterals option, throw on encoding NaN/Inf
2131     assertThrown!JSONException(JSONValue(float.nan).toString);
2132     assertThrown!JSONException(JSONValue(double.infinity).toString);
2133     assertThrown!JSONException(JSONValue(-real.infinity).toString);
2135     // when parsing json with specialFloatLiterals option, decode special strings as floats
2136     JSONValue jvNan    = parseJSON(nanString, JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals);
2137     JSONValue jvInf    = parseJSON(infString, JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals);
2138     JSONValue jvNegInf = parseJSON(negativeInfString, JSONOptions.specialFloatLiterals);
2140     assert(jvNan.floating.isNaN);
2141     assert(jvInf.floating.isInfinity    && jvInf.floating > 0);
2142     assert(jvNegInf.floating.isInfinity && jvNegInf.floating < 0);
2144     // when parsing json without the specialFloatLiterals option, decode special strings as strings
2145     jvNan    = parseJSON(nanString);
2146     jvInf    = parseJSON(infString);
2147     jvNegInf = parseJSON(negativeInfString);
2149     assert(jvNan.str    == JSONFloatLiteral.nan);
2150     assert(jvInf.str    == JSONFloatLiteral.inf);
2151     assert(jvNegInf.str == JSONFloatLiteral.negativeInf);
2152 }
2154 pure nothrow @safe @nogc unittest
2155 {
2156     JSONValue testVal;
2157     testVal = "test";
2158     testVal = 10;
2159     testVal = 10u;
2160     testVal = 1.0;
2161     testVal = (JSONValue[string]).init;
2162     testVal = JSONValue[].init;
2163     testVal = null;
2164     assert(testVal.isNull);
2165 }
2167 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15884
2168 pure nothrow @safe unittest
2169 {
2170     import std.typecons;
2171     void Test(C)() {
2172         C[] a = ['x'];
2173         JSONValue testVal = a;
2174         assert(testVal.type == JSONType..string);
2175         testVal = a.idup;
2176         assert(testVal.type == JSONType..string);
2177     }
2178     Test!char();
2179     Test!wchar();
2180     Test!dchar();
2181 }
2183 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15885
2184 @safe unittest
2185 {
2186     enum bool realInDoublePrecision = real.mant_dig == double.mant_dig;
2188     static bool test(const double num0)
2189     {
2190         import std.math.operations : feqrel;
2191         const json0 = JSONValue(num0);
2192         const num1 = to!double(toJSON(json0));
2193         static if (realInDoublePrecision)
2194             return feqrel(num1, num0) >= (double.mant_dig - 1);
2195         else
2196             return num1 == num0;
2197     }
2199     assert(test( 0.23));
2200     assert(test(-0.23));
2201     assert(test(1.223e+24));
2202     assert(test(23.4));
2203     assert(test(0.0012));
2204     assert(test(30738.22));
2206     assert(test(1 + double.epsilon));
2207     assert(test(double.min_normal));
2208     static if (realInDoublePrecision)
2209         assert(test(-double.max / 2));
2210     else
2211         assert(test(-double.max));
2213     const minSub = double.min_normal * double.epsilon;
2214     assert(test(minSub));
2215     assert(test(3*minSub));
2216 }
2218 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17555
2219 @safe unittest
2220 {
2221     import std.exception : assertThrown;
2223     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("\"a\nb\""));
2224 }
2226 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17556
2227 @safe unittest
2228 {
2229     auto v = JSONValue("\U0001D11E");
2230     auto j = toJSON(v, false, JSONOptions.escapeNonAsciiChars);
2231     assert(j == `"\uD834\uDD1E"`);
2232 }
2234 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5904
2235 @safe unittest
2236 {
2237     string s = `"\uD834\uDD1E"`;
2238     auto j = parseJSON(s);
2239     assert(j.str == "\U0001D11E");
2240 }
2242 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17557
2243 @safe unittest
2244 {
2245     assert(parseJSON("\"\xFF\"").str == "\xFF");
2246     assert(parseJSON("\"\U0001D11E\"").str == "\U0001D11E");
2247 }
2249 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17553
2250 @safe unittest
2251 {
2252     auto v = JSONValue("\xFF");
2253     assert(toJSON(v) == "\"\xFF\"");
2254 }
2256 @safe unittest
2257 {
2258     import std.utf;
2259     assert(parseJSON("\"\xFF\"".byChar).str == "\xFF");
2260     assert(parseJSON("\"\U0001D11E\"".byChar).str == "\U0001D11E");
2261 }
2263 // JSONOptions.doNotEscapeSlashes (https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17587)
2264 @safe unittest
2265 {
2266     assert(parseJSON(`"/"`).toString == `"\/"`);
2267     assert(parseJSON(`"\/"`).toString == `"\/"`);
2268     assert(parseJSON(`"/"`).toString(JSONOptions.doNotEscapeSlashes) == `"/"`);
2269     assert(parseJSON(`"\/"`).toString(JSONOptions.doNotEscapeSlashes) == `"/"`);
2270 }
2272 // JSONOptions.strictParsing (https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16639)
2273 @safe unittest
2274 {
2275     import std.exception : assertThrown;
2277     // Unescaped ASCII NULs
2278     assert(parseJSON("[\0]").type == JSONType.array);
2279     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("[\0]", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2280     assert(parseJSON("\"\0\"").str == "\0");
2281     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("\"\0\"", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2283     // Unescaped ASCII DEL (0x7f) in strings
2284     assert(parseJSON("\"\x7f\"").str == "\x7f");
2285     assert(parseJSON("\"\x7f\"", JSONOptions.strictParsing).str == "\x7f");
2287     // "true", "false", "null" case sensitivity
2288     assert(parseJSON("true").type == JSONType.true_);
2289     assert(parseJSON("true", JSONOptions.strictParsing).type == JSONType.true_);
2290     assert(parseJSON("True").type == JSONType.true_);
2291     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("True", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2292     assert(parseJSON("tRUE").type == JSONType.true_);
2293     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("tRUE", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2295     assert(parseJSON("false").type == JSONType.false_);
2296     assert(parseJSON("false", JSONOptions.strictParsing).type == JSONType.false_);
2297     assert(parseJSON("False").type == JSONType.false_);
2298     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("False", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2299     assert(parseJSON("fALSE").type == JSONType.false_);
2300     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("fALSE", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2302     assert(parseJSON("null").type == JSONType.null_);
2303     assert(parseJSON("null", JSONOptions.strictParsing).type == JSONType.null_);
2304     assert(parseJSON("Null").type == JSONType.null_);
2305     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("Null", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2306     assert(parseJSON("nULL").type == JSONType.null_);
2307     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("nULL", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2309     // Whitespace characters
2310     assert(parseJSON("[\f\v]").type == JSONType.array);
2311     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("[\f\v]", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2312     assert(parseJSON("[ \t\r\n]").type == JSONType.array);
2313     assert(parseJSON("[ \t\r\n]", JSONOptions.strictParsing).type == JSONType.array);
2315     // Empty input
2316     assert(parseJSON("").type == JSONType.null_);
2317     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2319     // Numbers with leading '0's
2320     assert(parseJSON("01").integer == 1);
2321     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("01", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2322     assert(parseJSON("-01").integer == -1);
2323     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("-01", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2324     assert(parseJSON("0.01").floating == 0.01);
2325     assert(parseJSON("0.01", JSONOptions.strictParsing).floating == 0.01);
2326     assert(parseJSON("0e1").floating == 0);
2327     assert(parseJSON("0e1", JSONOptions.strictParsing).floating == 0);
2329     // Trailing characters after JSON value
2330     assert(parseJSON(`""asdf`).str == "");
2331     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON(`""asdf`, JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2332     assert(parseJSON("987\0").integer == 987);
2333     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("987\0", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2334     assert(parseJSON("987\0\0").integer == 987);
2335     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("987\0\0", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2336     assert(parseJSON("[]]").type == JSONType.array);
2337     assertThrown!JSONException(parseJSON("[]]", JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2338     assert(parseJSON("123 \t\r\n").integer == 123); // Trailing whitespace is OK
2339     assert(parseJSON("123 \t\r\n", JSONOptions.strictParsing).integer == 123);
2340 }
2342 @system unittest
2343 {
2344     import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
2345     import std.array : array;
2346     import std.exception : assertThrown;
2348     string s = `{ "a" : [1,2,3,], }`;
2349     JSONValue j = parseJSON(s);
2350     assert(j["a"].array().map!(i => i.integer()).array == [1,2,3]);
2352     assertThrown(parseJSON(s, -1, JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2353 }
2355 @system unittest
2356 {
2357     import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
2358     import std.array : array;
2359     import std.exception : assertThrown;
2361     string s = `{ "a" : { }  , }`;
2362     JSONValue j = parseJSON(s);
2363     assert("a" in j);
2364     auto t = j["a"].object();
2365     assert(t.empty);
2367     assertThrown(parseJSON(s, -1, JSONOptions.strictParsing));
2368 }
2370 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20330
2371 @safe unittest
2372 {
2373     import std.array : appender;
2375     string s = `{"a":[1,2,3]}`;
2376     JSONValue j = parseJSON(s);
2378     auto app = appender!string();
2379     j.toString(app);
2381     assert(app.data == s, app.data);
2382 }
2384 // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20330
2385 @safe unittest
2386 {
2387     import std.array : appender;
2388     import std.format.write : formattedWrite;
2390     string s =
2391 `{
2392     "a": [
2393         1,
2394         2,
2395         3
2396     ]
2397 }`;
2398     JSONValue j = parseJSON(s);
2400     auto app = appender!string();
2401     j.toPrettyString(app);
2403     assert(app.data == s, app.data);
2404 }